Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Feeling more confident about Second Life

The majority of today was spent learning about Second Life and working on our final group project. Before today, I had figured out how to walk, fly, and change my appearance. I now have friends, know how to communicate, know how to find other places, and teleport myself or others to name a few. I even have found new outfits and even know how to change my clothes. We had the opportunity to have Dan Powers tell us a bit about his company and show us his the Iowa Island he has developed in Second Life.
I agree completely with Karen C's blog posting about Second Life. Using Second Life does make you consider the possibilities available for education and business. Second Life, along with many other "new" technologies has opened my eyes this week and I am looking forward to using them in my classroom and/or personal life.

Our final group project is going to be about digital citizenship. Some of the concepts we will cover are copyright, plagiarism, fair use, cyberbulling, creative comments. I think this is very important for students to be aware of and also something many adults need to be aware of.

This morning we did spend some time discussing nings. We used Skype to have an interview with Steve Hargadon, the creator of the classroom2.0 and the ning in education. I liked how he explained how social networking differs from other web 2.0 tools, such as wikis. He described a ning being more about conversation than web production. He gave ways to use nings in classrooms and also explained that there are settings to set up whether the ning will be private or public and whether postings need to be approved. I look forward to becoming more involved in the classroom 2.0 ning and the ning in education.

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